پنجشنبه، تیر ۰۳، ۱۳۹۵

slavery is efficient

have you ever talked to those super conservatives? like capitalism fundamentalists or something like that, i don't really know what it the exact term that they use.
they always talk about efficiency, this is more efficient, building in china is more efficient, do you know much an iphone would cost if it was going to be manufactured here? you, yourself, could never afford it. 
any time, minimum wage, taxing the rich, any time you say anything about inequality, they bring up this efficiency thing, 
you wanna know what it even more efficient? slavery!
slavery is most efficient way of doing any time. 
get bank loan, buy a couple of dudes with it, get you shit done, sell the dudes, and payback your loan, fucking efficient, isn't it? 
if those slave owners from 1860 could travel in time and come to 2016 they're gonna be like oh shit we missed the point, 
seriously, if they had used efficiency as their main arguments instead of just stupidly repeating "well they're niggers!" slavery would've never ended at 1865. 
walmart, fucking cheap, isn't it ?  McDonald and Starbucks and iphone and imac and all the technologies, it feels good doesn't it? it's made life easy, hasn't it? so does slavery. it's just nothing but modern slavery. if labour wasn't this cheap in china most of us couldn't an iphone today. that's efficiency. 
the trade off is having things done efficient and having an equal society.

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